Under the Patronage of:

Why Exhibit?

Exhibit in EDUTEX OMAN 2024 is a unique opportunity for participating universities, colleges, academies and training centers to display the methods and methods of education and expenses of all different educational institutions, as the exhibition is one of the best, fastest and cheapest means of advertising to meet students of different stages to inform them directly about the methods and methods of education and expenses for all different educational institutions.

  • EDUTEX OMAN aims to be held at this time of the year, as its establishment coincides with the announcement of the results of the education diploma and the stage of modifying desires in the unified admission system, as about 50,000 male and female students will graduate this year.
  • Presentation of the latest findings of modern technology and development in all stages of private education.
  • EDUTEX OMAN allows participants to view and inform directly the graduate students about the mechanism for choosing the appropriate academic subjects for them, the different methods and methods of education and the special expenses.
  • as we have taken into account the selection of the appropriate timing for that exhibition to ensure the achievement of Its basic objectives and in order to suit all participants in the different educational stages, where this timing has been determined very carefully, and at a time when the student as well as the guardian is searching for the appropriate place in terms of academic and material aspects, and from here the student will prefer to go to the largest gathering that includes universities, colleges and academies And the participating training centers to get a closer look at the methods and methods of education and the expenses of all the different educational institutions.